Monday 18 March 2013

Joe Dirt

"Why don't you just get a Wamberger and some French Fries."

This quote is one of my favorites from this move. I really felt that David Spade nailed it in this role. Tell me what you guys think? Let me know in a comment.

Movie Summary: David Spade stars as Joe Dirt, an oil weller who is on the search of his parents who left him when he was a baby at the Grand Canyon.

By: Mike Melino

1 comment:

  1. Common Denominator adalah wujud pengakuan bahwa manusia itu tidak sama. "Bhineka Tunggal Ika" mungkin dapat diartikan Common Denominator karena memiliki makna yang menyerupai yaitu "Walaupun berbeda beda tetapi Satu Jua". Istilah inilah yang akan dibahas tentang (Baca Selengkapnya...)
