Monday 18 March 2013

Tommy Boy

"Does this suit make me look fat?" "NO, your face does".

This is an old movie for all you 90's babies. I have only seen it a few times but, when I did I could not stop laughing as a kid. The team of David Spade and Chris Farley hit the nail on the coffin with this one. This is a good movie to watch if you want to have a good laugh. Give me your feedback in a comment below.

Movie Summary: An immature heir to an auto parts factory must save the business to keep it out of the hands of his scamming family.

By: Mike Melino

1 comment:

  1. Common Denominator adalah wujud pengakuan bahwa manusia itu tidak sama. "Bhineka Tunggal Ika" mungkin dapat diartikan Common Denominator karena memiliki makna yang menyerupai yaitu "Walaupun berbeda beda tetapi Satu Jua". Istilah inilah yang akan dibahas tentang (Baca Selengkapnya...)
